Apr 21, 2010

a a a a - - - - ;

sekarang ni, i felt soo neutral. maybe the fact yang aku dah takde suara. and i can't i don't felt like yelling that much. Yippy! for everybody.

aku pelik tau apsal orang nak STRESS even about little things. seriously, if it doesnt give you any benefit , buat ape kite nak buang masa wasting our brain cell on that?

seriously, a little stress is good. it activate your brain to improve yourself. tapi aku tengok, everybody nak stress kat kepala diorang pasal matter yang tak important.

people ask me to do some thinking about things, but then patut ke? coz then kite end up rasa stress and down. so better tak yah rite? ( tapi think la jugak sikit =_______= )

but without stress, we'll end up. not caring about anyhting. that's BAD.

bak kata ahmad, Chillax arr :)
jangan stress melampau dowh korang ni!

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by aliaaamk.blogspot.com