Sep 27, 2010

end ;


Sep 8, 2010

packing ;


maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau ada yang terasa post tu pasal dia.
(this blog is GENERAL)

malasnya aku nak packinggggggggg D:

Sep 3, 2010

snow white

just visited deya's blog

and remembered this ...

seriously, who doesnt remember THIS!

p/s: do you know "the little mermaid" was the last hand drawn princess movie from disney
gotta appreciate those stuff :)

Aug 26, 2010

ohh,shut up!

DAMN you people =.=

i wont tell bout my result.
so dont ask.

Aug 21, 2010

survey VII

tagged by : sayang amirah mohd zulkefli

1. Berikan kata2 the most pada blog awak

mostly pasal, me-release-kan mood pada waktu itu, and what i thought at the moment :)
but its not a diary.

2. Tag 2 blogger yang layak terima award ni


yay, no exam!

Aug 17, 2010

blank ;

i thought sokka was suppose to be funny :/

survey VI

1. Thanks and link the person that tagged you
Thanks Sayang Amirah Mohd Zulkefli

2.Tag 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think fantastic
- Deya
- Leyaa
- Claudine

and :O

3. Contact that blogs and let them know they 've been tagged

4. State 7 things about yourself

is still wearing her school uniform
cant stop singing "barking at the moon" today
♥ starbuck's coffee
wondering if her bmi is ever gonna be normal
need new SHOES!

Aug 1, 2010

daylight ;

hahaa, no profile photo.

" dont fix my smile ,life is long enough,
we will put this flesh into ground again "
- generator ^ second floor by freelance whales

btw, mah tweeter

Jul 31, 2010

brothers on a hotel bed

skip till 1.00 , awal-awal filled with piano playing :/

1 2 1 2

lagi 1 minggu nak puasa
lagi 2 minggu nak percubaan
lagi 1 bulan nak raya
lagi 2 bulan nak PMR

cantik punye nombor =____=
sooo, kene la korban kan sikit laptop ni.

bye facebook
bye msn
bye blog
bye ym
btw, aku da lama delete ms, hahaa

yiieeeeeeeepppppppp , BYE xDD

for my important people, ade pape tweet me.k

or text :/

Jul 27, 2010

merengek geram sendiri menanggung ;

Adat Berorang

Keamanan di mana-mana
Kemakrifan melata-lata
Adat dunia , kalau kalah
Tersungkur dah tak guna
   Orang kuat mengacah orang lemah
   Orang pintar mengusik orang bingung
   Adat dunia kalau tak bertenaga
   Merengek geram sendiri menanggung

Ada juga orang baik
Bahasa dikarang setiap bait
Panjang berjela sharahan dikait
Kadang tak faham
Kita dikata lok lak telinga berlapik-lapik
   Adat manusia mesti ada tujuan
   Adat perasaan kurang dari fikiran
   Adat manusia jangan bingung
   Jangan ditunggu dunia menyanjung
   Kerana dunia tak sudi nak melambung.

Oleh: MAMA ,
Asmaniah Mohd Khairi.

p/s: the picture have nothing todo with this, its just seems kinda empty kalau tak letak :/

Jul 24, 2010

come on and take a bow ;

pernah tak orang tanya korang something, and mintak suggestion korang?mesti pernahkan. and berapa banyak kali kawan korang yang mintak suggestion tu kantoi, tak buat sebijik macam suggetion yang korang bagi. or even paham ape yang korang try sampaikan kat diorang? banyak kali, betol?

for me this month je, aku da kene tanya soalan yang sama lebih sekali seminggu. and walau berapa banyak kali aku kata benda yang sama, still message yang aku hantar tak pernah nak sampai kat kepala otak dia.and sekarang aku da fed up nak tolong dia dalam hal-hal ni.mampos arr ape ko nak buat.

the thing is, manusia memang macam ni. they'll ask us suggestions, so that it could back up theirs.diorang just tanya pendapat kita, so that dia ade lebih banyak choices. but still they'll end up picking,their's.paham?

and ade jugak yang jenis. dia tanya pendapat kita. ala ala nak mintak pandangan masyarakat la. but dia end up , berbahas dengan kita pasal "topik" tu. ini macam punye orang, baik tak payah jawab.=______=

you guys get it right?

aunty annie pretzel ;

congrats your 43.

Jul 22, 2010

i got nothing ;

george craige ( lead singer ) and emma watson :)

cuba korang perhatikan lirik dia.

Jul 15, 2010

i'm in love with

a lomo lc-a

a fuji polariod

polaroid ;

just visited sarah's blog,

and currently surveying for any polaroid camera for sale. suprisingly, most of them are only rm200 keatas xD

woooow, i hope they sale the film as well.

is it?

is it? is it really my fault, that i dont eat HER food anymore, mama?

almost everyday, aku kene dengar ayat kesat kau. pandang aku pon dengan muka masam, tarik muka pastu asyik mengeluh 24 jam kat depan aku.k, watever arr.

ko buat perangai macam tu, pastu expect aku nak hargai masakan ko? aku nak makan pon rasa berat hati , tak tahu makanan tu dimasak dengan ikhlas ke tak.

so is it really my fault for not eating lunch and dinner at home? is it my fault to eat something that i make by myself instead of yours? really?

sorry ma, its kinda hard for me to eat HER food.

p/s: sorry, if it isnt polite enough. but seriously la ! if you were in my shoes, you'll be as pissed as i am.

Jul 14, 2010

take notes ;

if you guys some how pissed me off before, and the next you saw me,i was ignoring you. dont ask why.'cause once you pisssed me off,every time i even see your name. kaki ni rasa macam nak cop je kat muka tu.

soo if you dont mind, i wont be as friendly as i am before.
'cause i dont want to have anything to do with people like you, its a WASTE of time.
i loathe you

Jul 10, 2010

pocket watch;

aint these thing AWESOME .
its a pocket watch
been trying to search for one lama da. 

and tadi kat Diva jumpa.

but it was $$$ :((

sod sod, why must everything i wanna buy, have to expensive :(

dresses ;

spent the whole day with DEYA and NAMEERA kat sp.

yeee, SP je. tak jauh.since movie was really packed. soo we went on window shopping, survey some clothes for raya ^^

since ada PMR , soo kene la shopping raya awal. of all the shopping trip paling aku suka, shopping raya coz i dont have to worry about spending. oh yeah oh yeah.

*yeaaa, aku pon shopping, apsal pelik?* 

we also went archering, and it was AWESOMEEE!!!

time kat forever 21;
nameera: eh tengok beg tu *pointing at a bag on top*
deya & me : eehhh, beg tu.... LAWA! * went grabing that same bag*

somehow that was kinda funny xD

p/s: owhh, sorry myraa, deyaa tak dapat sleepover sekali :(

Jul 4, 2010

fifa punya psl ;

i cant recall what day, but it was a few days ago, time fifa baru nak start kot

me watching tv, malas nak tidur, malas nak online, malas nak keluar. abah menyibuk, tukar channel kepada fifa worldcup dia.4 tahun sekali , so tak boleh nak argue. then my mom show up. everybody tengok bola sesama. then my mom start talking :

mama : hey , dia cute la.
           wow, muscle.
           bulu mata dia lawa.
           etc etc etc.

me: woooooooooooow , haah laa   o.O

my dad start boring, tutup tv then masuk tido. malas na tengok bola da.

no wonder my dad tak tengok bola kat rumah daaaarrr   =_____________=

tak de mood ;

takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, tau tak aku baru naik 3 kg, takde mood, tak de mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, my dad just gave me his laptop without arguing,  takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, had a bad morning, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, found your facebook but dont wanna add , those 4 years aint worth it, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, weird i still remember your full name,  takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, takde mood, 

overoll aku takde mood, tapi aku nak blog :)

p/s: puas SARAH ?

Jun 27, 2010

i ache all over ;


damn TIRED .

i'll post bout the carnival later k. nak tidur .


hanya gambar semata-mata,
yang real lagi sedap :D

just finished a whole badge of cookies, by myself
woot wooot

seriously TIRED!

Jun 23, 2010

alice ;

"Well, I've often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing!"

got it from :
alice in the wonderland.
lmao,hahaa :D


gahh ,

had a rough day ,
i wish i could accept it but i couldn't.
thanks , for letting me know :)
good luck.

Jun 20, 2010

abah ;

 you know we love you.

Jun 18, 2010

lunch ;

aish, cuti sekolah ni, makin malas lak aku ni. malas makan , malas belajar , malas online , malas tidur , malas nak menulis , malas sketching , malas sekolah , malas jadi malas . ish ish ish , tahun pmr lak tu.

cepat je kan cuti sekolah nak habis.  best nyer kalau aku boleh malas macam ni sampai bila-bila . just duduk kat atas katil yang penuh dengan bantal , pasang air-cond and novel aku beli diskaun hari lepas.

curi video ni dari my kazen diana hamasuba  , hope kak ana dont mind :)
i love this song 

Jun 16, 2010

minat minat budak ;

Uish3, tanya la mana mana budak, sape je yang tak kenal mamat di atas. Budak sekarang ni ramai pulak yang minat actors.

Lagi-lagi yang daripada movie Twilight; Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart dan bagainya. Part 6pack je kan yang korang suka, sampai bunyi "wahhh!!" satu cinema boleh dengar. Yang laki pon ikut sekali wahhh!!

Kadang aku pon naik heran, kat mana aku pegi pon ade cerita pasal diorang. Sampai aku pon gelak terkedek kedek tengok diorang angau. Gelak dalam hati je la, kalau tak karang kene maki hamun kang.

Sekarang ni aku pulak yang kene,first time kot aku angau. tu la gelakkan orang lagi, kan sendiri da terkena Ye, gelak la puas-puas. HAHAHA. tak kesah pon. siapa mamat ni? ade ar, tu korang kene teka sendiri :D

clue : langsung takde kaitan dengan Twilight saga.

Jun 12, 2010


i give up.

da tak tau macam mana nak tukar lagi da layout blog ni.

Jun 8, 2010

survey V

what is on your mind right now??
bowling bowling bowling bowling

your nick name??
alia, lia , izzati, izz (?)

name three people that you love.
ma + abah

a call for "si dia".

a gift that you dream to get from your loved ones?

which blog you like to follow?
my friend's

tag ur frens:
siapa yang rasa mereka baik, ambek je.

last night at deya's ;

last night tgk mtv movie award kat rumah deya.

at first memang dah kitorang expect all the award pegi kat Twilight cast. betol tak? ( even logan lerman pon kalah =_________= )

but the movie war,


tup tap tup tap , pegi kat Twilight jugak. kitorang cam " WTH!!!"

seriously, Twilight is kinda good and all, but cerita die like slow gile. feeling die cepat hilang ooo.

if Harry Potter at least , better la kn?

p/s: NO OFFENCE to all Twilght fans. this is my blog, sukati kepala otak aku la!

May 28, 2010

aunty nurul ♥

got a call from deya tadi;

telling me that her mom kat hospital.


i hope everythings gonna be fine.
semoga aunty cepat sembuh.

May 26, 2010

for tomorrow;


to them who's gonna be sitting for exam tomorrow.
to them yang memang tengah exam.

to them yang da lame abes exam, good luck jugak. coz nanti before cuti korang dapat report card kn? hehehee :)

Bak kata budak spek;

"kalau tak tahu, jawab C ;p"

pasal exam,my mom kate die akan amek modem. no internet for a week :(

May 22, 2010


a bag of jelly belly
folio sejarah
folio geografi

mmmmmmmmmmmm :)

May 21, 2010


aku da tak tahan dengan kau. aku da tak tahan dengan perangai kau. aku da tak tahan dengan mulut kau.

apa masalah kau pon aku tak tahu. sikit-skit nak cari gaduh dengan aku. aku lalu je pon sikit-sikit nak maki aku, nak mencarut depan aku.

2 tahun aku kenal kau. 2 tahun aku try tahan dengan kau.

aku tak nak cakap banyak-banyak. dosa aku pon da banyak. aku cuma nak tahu apa masalah kau je!

p/s: this person is not from sek.19 or BJ. janga nak nuding jari kat sesiapa lak!

May 11, 2010


for your information this is BLUE and RED.
no PINK!

May 9, 2010

may ;

every year, bulan mei paling special

  • mother's day
  • birthday abah
since da dekat nak exam, sooo


and ...


wish me LUCK for my mid term :)

May 2, 2010

awwwh, cam stupid tahu xDD

harap maklum url da tukar :)

May 1, 2010



eat eat eat
head set
sony ericson
with FAZWEEN and AISYA >.<

weyh, best tak ari ni?
me: memenatkan. . .
faz: best tak?
me: memenatkan. . .
faz: aku tanye ko rasa best tak kuar ari ni?!
me: BEST tapi memenatkan. . .
faz: =_____________=
aisya: HAHA ,

lain kali aku nak individual punye kayak. and race sape paling lajuuu >.<

Apr 23, 2010

survey IV

1. 3 names in your message inbox.
Lisa , Fazween , Amirul(?)

2. Your main Ringtone.
Joy of Division- the wombats

3. What u did at 12 last night?
Finishing myh homework

4. Who was the last person you went out with? where?
Nadia, Nameera. Sunway Piramid.

5. The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now.

6. The last thing u did.

7. 3 of your everyday favorite items.
Cellphone, Computer, Hairclip

8. The color of your bedroom.

9. How much money in your wallet now?
I dont know

10. How's life?
As ussual (?)

11. your favorite song..
Depends =_______=

12. What will you do next weekend?

13. When was the last time you saw your mum.
this morning

14. where is she now?
at her room. onlining

15. when was the last time you talked to your parent?
2 hours ago.

16. Who is the last person that talked with you last night?

17. where did you have dinner last night?
infront of the tv, with my dad :)

18. The last surprise you got?
tak ingat

19. Last thing you borrowed from your friend.
a pen.

20. Who is your bf/gf or husband/wife?
(you answer.)

21. what do you feel now?
nak muntah.

22. wanna share with who?

23. who knows your secret?
more than one person.

24. they keep your secret?
some of them

25. Are you angry with someone?
not really

26. what do you order at McD?
Chocotop :)

27. The last time you felt so sad..
last few weeks ago (?)

28. mahu tag?
anybody yang nak.

Apr 22, 2010

at school;

im onlining straight from,

woohoooooo! xDD
jakun giler aku,

Apr 21, 2010

a a a a - - - - ;

sekarang ni, i felt soo neutral. maybe the fact yang aku dah takde suara. and i can't i don't felt like yelling that much. Yippy! for everybody.

aku pelik tau apsal orang nak STRESS even about little things. seriously, if it doesnt give you any benefit , buat ape kite nak buang masa wasting our brain cell on that?

seriously, a little stress is good. it activate your brain to improve yourself. tapi aku tengok, everybody nak stress kat kepala diorang pasal matter yang tak important.

people ask me to do some thinking about things, but then patut ke? coz then kite end up rasa stress and down. so better tak yah rite? ( tapi think la jugak sikit =_______= )

but without stress, we'll end up. not caring about anyhting. that's BAD.

bak kata ahmad, Chillax arr :)
jangan stress melampau dowh korang ni!

Apr 4, 2010

my dad's ;

"people can comment. but it's YOUR choice"
-abah :)

daripada semua lecture that i got from my dad. this is NICE :)

Mar 21, 2010

march holiday ;

lama giler tak blog!
entah idk, just malas. semangat nak type tu da takde.lagi pun takde STORY!!!

march holiday? well, penuh dengan ulang balik sp jer. SP tempat paling senang and murah nak capai. it only cost RM4 for transport kn. movies?

Alice in the Wonderland.
boleh laa, tapi BORING kot. the only part aku paling ingat is part johnny depp buat dance dia :) giler smart.

Remember Me
oleh kerana farisha kata cite tu best giler, so kitorang pon nak try tengok gak la. but then end up, kitorang seriously tak paham langsung twist dia.regret tengok cerita tu.maybe dia cakap best, pasal ada robert pattison kot -_______-'''

anyway, kan biasa nyer time tengah tunggu movie start diorang tunjuk beberapa trailer movie akan datang kn. okey, this is some yang trailer dia funny giler.

survey III

awarded by: sayang amirah

YAY! my first blog award
[ for this blog lah ]

1.Thank & link the person that gave you the award

click gambar untuk lebih jelas :)

again, thank you, SAYANG! :)

2. pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic
aku ni jarang baca blog orang, so tak banyak la

  • deya's
  • leyaa's
  • ahmadnazri's
  • kak atin's
  • kak eyka's
  • kak ruhil's
  • sarah's
  • nurin's
ni je la bloggers nyer :)

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.
  • rasa makan HOT&ROLL sedap ~~
  • rasa cerita REMEMBER ME tak best langsung
  • rugi! baik tengok movie LOVELY BONES
  • can only fit 9 medium size marshmallow kat dalam mulutnya :p
  • tak suka pakai jam tangan
  • defeated DEYA in a chubby bunny challege >.<

Feb 28, 2010

hye :)

hye :)

lama tak blog , sorry. like anybody would read it. =.=
ntah , tak de idea apa nak di-blog-kan.

school ?
people would call it as drama drama drama .
never ending drama for all 5 of us =.=

but lately, ntah! i feel soo malass with all the drama thinggy! i mean dari semua buat dosa.tak boleh ke just face to face. i know its hard but , dari buat a million dosa, baik just end this thing! aku da malasss . . . .

sorry , actually there's another post. tapi masih lagi tak lengkap. baru dapat idea. sorry again :)

p/s : esokk!ada math test/quiz or somethingg. owhhhh shit . good nyte kene study. wish me luck tomorrow =.=

Feb 10, 2010

dust bunnies ;

lama gileee aku tinggal blog .

minat mem-blogging tu ttiba je takde . cam klau nak blog pon macam i dont think its something appropriate to tell . and aku takde cerita langsung nak bagitau .

since cuti raya cina nak dekat . maybe ill post something :)

btw ,

time sukan aritu ,

me , sarah , nasyierah , fazween , omar and mereka yang sudi membantu.

kitorang semua pakat nak jual cupcakes and menjaja all over sekolah time ari sukan aritu. so kitorang order cupcakes from mak sarah. and we sold 71 bijik cupcakes yang men-fattening-kan and yang membolehkan korang mendapat sugar rush.waaahhh ! laku aarr ^^

thanks to whoever bought our cupcakes :)

Jan 18, 2010

that last message;

180110, 0202am ,

for everything

Jan 17, 2010

sunburn day ;

earlier today :

( secret recipe )

celebrating bday boy belated bday ,
*sorry gamba die tak sempat diambil :)

me and liesa

sarah and airah

airah | syahir | afiqah

showing that she can eat udang and i cant

omg , it smell so good ~~

i forgot what this is .

me and airah

after abit sunburn :

we stopped at 7-e kejap
just me and liesa :)

aku try upload gamba for almost 3 hours ! bgos jugak , at least while menunggu boleyh buat hw.omg , all hw need to be done now !

dear hw , why wont u ever stop bugging me :/

p/s :
sorry syahir it just too GOOD !
ade byk lagi gamba dirog actually :)
