Aug 26, 2010

ohh,shut up!

DAMN you people =.=

i wont tell bout my result.
so dont ask.

Aug 21, 2010

survey VII

tagged by : sayang amirah mohd zulkefli

1. Berikan kata2 the most pada blog awak

mostly pasal, me-release-kan mood pada waktu itu, and what i thought at the moment :)
but its not a diary.

2. Tag 2 blogger yang layak terima award ni


yay, no exam!

Aug 17, 2010

blank ;

i thought sokka was suppose to be funny :/

survey VI

1. Thanks and link the person that tagged you
Thanks Sayang Amirah Mohd Zulkefli

2.Tag 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think fantastic
- Deya
- Leyaa
- Claudine

and :O

3. Contact that blogs and let them know they 've been tagged

4. State 7 things about yourself

is still wearing her school uniform
cant stop singing "barking at the moon" today
♥ starbuck's coffee
wondering if her bmi is ever gonna be normal
need new SHOES!

Aug 1, 2010

daylight ;

hahaa, no profile photo.

" dont fix my smile ,life is long enough,
we will put this flesh into ground again "
- generator ^ second floor by freelance whales

btw, mah tweeter
